Archive for the 'Basics Of Faith' Category

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The Value of a Person

What is the value of a person? In many cultures men are honored more than women. Rich people are respected more than poor people. The current market value of a person is determined like the price of a car. Model, year, and condition all play a part. The disturbing truth is that human worth, like […]

Why Israel Can’t Be Ignored

Whether loved or hated, Israel is a magnet. Although no larger than the state of New Jersey, she draws journalists, statesmen, and tourists from all over the world to a few acres of the most contested real estate on earth. Arriving from many nations, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim pilgrims stream through Ben Gurion airport in […]

The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Conflict in the Middle East flows from generation to generation like a river of tears and bad blood. From the days of Abram there has been an unending current of personal rejection, revenge, and mutual loss. The Jewish and Arab problem affects all of us. It costs us at the gas pump. It divides us […]

A Friend’s Struggle With Assurance

A friend recently described to me how his understanding of spirituality has changed over time. I was interested because I knew something of the influence he’d had in his community while still in his teen years. He was known in the small town where he grew up for breaking the county high school pole-vault record. […]

Picturing Animal Sacrifice

In 1987 the city council of Hialeah, Florida, passed several ordinances banning animal sacrifice for religious purposes. A district court initially upheld the council’s actions, citing four concerns: (1) health risks, (2) possible emotional damage to children present at the sacrifices, (3) cruelty to animals, and (4) the council’s interest in restricting the killing of […]

A King’s Story Unfolds

One of the great challenges to understanding God’s Word is finding its storyline within its 66 sections. But when we uncover the basic plot, we find that not only is the Bible a good read—it’s our story.  ¶  In these pages, we learn of a Great King who outmaneuvers the terrorist strategies of a former […]

A Personal Loss

Dear Al, The last time we talked, you asked a question I couldn’t answer. I remember the concern in your eyes and how helpless I felt to give you any assurance when you asked, “Does the Bible offer any comfort when we’re afraid someone we love has died without Christ?” ¶  Your heartbreak is understandable. […]

An Amazing Prediction

“Time Of Messiah Foretold” “Jewish Prophet Surprises the Experts” “Future of Jerusalem Has Implications for Whole World” “No Permanent Peace for at Least Seven More Years” These headlines deserve front-page space on every newspaper of the world. They are rooted in an often overlooked prophecy made by the Jewish prophet Daniel. Daniel is amazingly credible. […]

Pitfalls of Prophecy

No generation has edged as close as ours to the end of the age. Who can deny that the world is looking more and more like the Bible’s description of the last days. Even secular thinkers are aware of Armageddon-like possibilities. And now, at this late date, I’m having second thoughts about how we’ve handled […]

The Gift

Imagine filling out an application for heaven. After filling in your name and address, you come to a section marked “Qualifications.” What would you put there? “My belief in God? The people I have helped along the way? I’ve tried to live by the Ten Commandments?” Or would you write, “No qualifications other than my […]

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